Al Balmer – Running Marathons & Remembering Manny

Hello Runners,
It’s almost summer, and things are looking optimistic in the running world. About time wouldn’t you say?
On May 5, 2021, my sister-in-law, Lorraine Lynch passed away. She was in my life since I was born. Lorraine was a kind, giving, and selfless woman who was the glue of our family. There are so many memories, and I appreciated her very much. I thank you for all you have done for me since I was born. I will never forget you, and I love you.
My guest in this episode is everyday runner Al Balmer from Austin, Texas. Al reached out, interested in talking about his father-in-law Manny and how marathon running intertwined during his life and death. A very moving conversation. And, Al will be running the 2021 Boston Marathon with his mom Karen as a mother-son team. They are running for the Boston Marathon charity, Community Rowing. They have a hefty fundraising goal to achieve. If you would like to donate, CLICK HERE! It would be very kind of you.
I’ve been busy the past few months running, interviewing amazing guests for future episodes, two of them very powerful. On the other hand, and sadly, Motivation “Runday” Monday has possibly run its course. I hope you’ve enjoyed the episodes and runners featured. They were all amazing!
Listenership for Motivation “Runday” Monday is excellent; however, participation not so much. As hard as I have tried to solicit runners to participate, the well has run dry. These episodes are by you and, for you, the everyday runner. That said, I will keep trying for your participation but will put Motivation Runday Monday on hold through June to see if it somehow can be reignited.
If you would like to participate, go to There are seven questions to answer, which you can do so in your own words:
- Say your name, where you live (city-state), and how long you have been running.
- What initially inspired you to start running?
- What motivates you to keep running regularly?
- Why is running so important to you?
- Who is your running role model? Maybe someone that you look up to for inspiration!
- What motivating message would you like to share with other runners?
- What is your favorite inspirational and motivating quote, and who said it?
CLICK HERE, and you can record up to 5 minutes of your answers in your own words. If you need more time, you can go back, click again, and record five more minutes for as long as you need. If you get tripped up, don’t worry, I will edit it all and make you sound great!
You can record from your laptop, desktop, and even your iPad or tablet as long as it has a microphone. Easy! And share with other runners! It will be your 15 minutes of fame.
Thank you for listening to the Feel Good Running Podcast, and please share this with your running friends and on your social media platforms. I would very much appreciate it.
Train hard, run harder, and be well.
~ Jim
Lorraine Lynch – Obituary – May my sister-in-law rest in peace.
Al Balmer – FB Page, Doc Fizzix Website, Doc Fizzix FB Page
Community Rowing – Al and his mom Karen are running the 2021 Boston Marathon as a team under the charity Community Rowing. They have a hefty fundraising goal to achieve. If you would like to donate, CLICK HERE. Much appreciated!
Inspirational Running Quote
“Running is nothing more than a series of arguments between the part of your brain that wants to stop and the part that wants to keep going.” ~ Unknown
Listener feedback is essential to Feel Good Running. Is there a guest you would like us to feature? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the podcast? Whatever it is, we would like to hear from YOU! Send a personal email to host Jim Lynch.
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Again, I want to thank you for listening to my podcast! You can help out by leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcast, And please share the Feel Good Running Podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms. It would mean the world to me and help the show to grow!