Hello Runners!
Motivation Runday Monday features a unique runner each week that gives a motivating running message that will get your running week off on the right foot!
This episode featured runner is me, your host Jim Lynch! I decided to do an episode of Motivation “Runday” Monday since I feel my words will inspire and motivate runners. I’ve been running many years and have completed 101 marathons. I’m a certified marathon finisher in all 50 states plus DC. I’m also a race director and was the former co-race director of the Maui Marathon and other races associated with Valley Isle Road Runners, the running club on Maui. If interested, friend me on Facebook. Click Here for the link!
Runners, you too can be a part of Motivation “Runday” Monday and be featured on an episode. Instructions and questions that you can answer, in your own words, can be found at feelgoodrunning.com/mrm. There is a link to record up to a 5-minute message you can do from your laptop, computer, tablet, or even your phone. And if you need more time, go back, click and record up to another 5 minutes.
Motivation “Runday” Monday is about runners motivating other runners! So consider being a part Motivation “Runday” Monday podcast. Your words will inspire other runners! And please share this podcast episode with your running friends.
Have a fantastic running week!

About the Host, Jim Lynch
Thank you for listening to my podcast. I'm a long time "Feel Good" runner myself completing 101 Marathons and a certified 50 State finisher having completed a marathon in all 50 states plus DC.
I am the Race Director of the Maui Marathon and former Vice President of the Valley Isle Road Runners on the island of Maui, a certified RRCA Running Coach and now a recognized Podcaster!
Running is my passion and has really defined my life. With all the support over the years I have personally received from volunteers from all the races I have done, I would like to give back.
The "Feel Good Running" podcast is for the everyday runner. If you are a long time runner, fairly new to running or even just thinking about running, I hope to appeal to you and bring you inspiration and motivation with my guests and my many years of running experience. I hope to be one of your go to running podcasts for years to come.
If you like my podcast, please share it with your running friends and on your Social Media platforms. And a nice rating and review on Apple Podcast would be appreciated!
Thank you for listening and I hope you too will become a "Feel Good Runner" yourself! ~ Jim
50 States certified finisher,
50 States Marathon Club,
Bart Yasso,
Denver Colorado,
Everyday Runner,
Feel Good Running,
Half Marathon,
Jim Lynch Podcast,
Maui Marathon,
running in Denver Colorado,
Running Inspiration,
Running Inspirational Story,
Running Minisode,
running motivation,
Running Podcast,
Valley Isle Road Runners,
Yasso 800's