Bart Yasso – The “Mayor of Running!”

Hello Runners!
I am pleased to have Bart Yasso, the “Mayor of Running” as my guest this episode. Recently retired from Runner’s World after 31 years with the title of Chief Running Officer, he has inspired runners all over the globe.
I’ve know Bart for several years and I will say that he is one of the most genuine persons that I know. He loves running and the running community. It doesn’t matter if you are Meb Keflezighi, 2004 Olympic silver medalist in the marathon, or Judy Smith, beginner runner from North Dakota, you are welcomed by Bart with open arms. And Bart has an amazing resume:
- Ran races in all 7 continents
- Biked Across the USA twice with no support!
- Mt. Kilimanjaro Marathon
- Badwater Ultramarathon 135 (when it was 145 miles)
- 5 time Iron Man finisher
- Comrades 56-mile event
- Inventor of the “Yasso 800’s” marathon predictor workout
- Inducted into the Running USA Hall of Champions
- Inducted into the Road Runners Club of America Distance Running Hall of Fame
- And on and on and on!
Be sure to pick up a copy of Bart’s book, My Life on the Run, a fabulous read. It is also available as a download and in audio books. Every single chapter is a great story!
So, as you may know, I am the Co-Race Director for the Maui Marathon which will be held on Sunday, October 13th. It has taken me away from producing my Podcast so there has been a gap. I hope you won’t bail on me and hang in there since it appears I am back on track. My goal is to bring you two quality episodes per month. So stick with me! And if you every have any comments, I want to hear them. Send a note to Oh yea, I would be humbled if you could share this podcast with your running friends and on your social media. Without you, the show won’t grow
Wow! We are now heading into the fall race season. Where did this year go? For those of you that are doing a fall race regardless of the distance, I hope your summer training has gone well, you have stayed injury free and are fired up and ready for your race! I’m proud of you! We have a great sport that enhances all of us, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Enjoy this episode and remember to just show up and always, ALWAYS feel good about your running!
Jim’s Opening & News Segment
Jim’s Maui News Article – Thank you Sarah Ruppenthal!
MS Run the US Relay – Annual 3,260 mile ultra relay created by Ashley Schneider in support of the cure for Multiple Sclerosis.
Nike Joyride Run Flyknit Running Shoes – These interesting Nike Running Shoes are supposed bring back the joy of running? – Review 1, Review 2
Mystery Runner – Runner who gave his running shoes and socks to a homeless person and walked away barefoot. – ABC News Segment speaks to Homeless Person!
Bart Yasso
My Life on the Run – Bart’s Book on Amazon – BUY IT TODAY! Excellent Read
Bart’s Social Media Links – Website – Instagram – Facebook – Twitter
Legacy of Hope – Bart is running the Rocky steps in Philadelphia for this charity. Bart’s CrowdRise fundraising page.
Article’s – Runner’s World – The Morning Call – Verywell Fit (Yasso 800’s — Christine Luff)
Amy Downs – Bart mentioned her story during the interview. She survived the Oklahoma City Bombing
Bonnie VanDeraa – We talked about Bonnie. I interviewed her in Episode #12. Take a listen to this incredible story!
Inspirational Running Quote
“When the gun goes off we all follow the same path to the finish line but we all have taken very unique paths to get to the starting line” ~Bart Yasso
So think about it…what was your path to the start line? Put your story in the comments!
Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe to the Feel Good Running on Apple Podcasts and please give us a nice rating and if you feel really motivated leave a review!
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