Tasha Ina Church – Professional Self-Defense Instructor

Hello “Feel Good” Runners!
How are you listeners? Is your running going well? The spring 2019 race season is here and all that winter training should be paying off. There are so many races this time of the year for you to choose from and of course next month is the Super Bowl of marathons, Boston. If you are signed up for any spring race good luck!
Now if you are new to running congratulations and welcome to our world. By now you should be finding out by how incredible running is and experiencing all the positive effects it has on your mind, body and soul!
Well, I am in Denver, Colorado and it has been cold and snowy therefore I’ve not had a chance to do much running the past few weeks due to the weather. Such a contrast from Maui. However, I was able to run with my former running group, Runners Edge of the Rockies two times and caught up with some of my old running friends which I enjoyed. Plus I ran the St. Patrick’s Day, “Running of the Green” in downtown Denver. One of my favorites.
With the massive Bomb Cyclone snow and windstorm that hit Denver, my flight was cancelled and I have been stuck here for a week. That is fine since I get to spend more time with family and my little Grandson who is 21 months old. He is a blast and looks to be a future runner!
I’ll be heading to the Los Angeles Marathon Expo at the Maui Marathon booth to promote our event. The expo is on Friday March 22nd & Saturday March 23rd. Stop by and say hi if you happen to be doing the LA Marathon and are at the Convention Center to pick up your packet. Would love to meet you. And I will have my podcast equipment so if you or someone you know has a inspirational story that our listeners would like to hear, drop me a note at jim@feelgoodrunning.com and I might do a quick on the spot interview.
This episode, my guest is Tasha Ina Church. Tasha is a professional Self-Defense Instructor and has 17 years of experience. With the spring and summer months upon us, most of us will be running outside. It’s unfortunate that female runners need to be aware of their surroundings when running alone.
Tasha provides a wealth of safety and self-defense information, tips and techniques to increase your odds of survival if you should encounter an unexpected unpleasant situation. Actually, I feel this is the most important and beneficial conversation you will hear this year. Tasha even offers a on-line self defense course with a $20 discount for our listeners. This is one episode you will most definitely want to share with your friends. If our conversation prevents one attack or harm to a female runner, then it is all worth it! DON’T MISS THIS ONE!
In the opening I talk about my trip to Denver and some fun items that I found in Colorado Running Magazine. You will get a kick out of it. And I have three news items that I think you will find inspirational and motivating. Besides my conversation with Tasha, I end the episode with a motivational running quote.
Feel Good Running Podcast is growing because of you and I thank you. Please keep sharing the podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms and (hint, hint) a nice review and rating on Apple Podcast will certainly attract new listeners to the podcast. Thank you for all your support and listener ship!
Finally, please be sure you get on the Email list for our periodic newsletter! And again, I appreciate each and every one of you that listen to my podcast! Running is my passion and I enjoy bringing you this podcast to you and hope to continue for several years to come!
And as always…remember to just show up and always, ALWAYS feel good about YOUR running!
Jim’s Opening
Runners Roost – Colorado – My favorite Running Store
Colorado Runner Magazine – “I Might be a Runner If”
Los Angeles Marathon Expo – Jim Lynch will be at the Maui Marathon Booth – #639
News Segment
Ashley Ramirez – Love for Disney and Weight Loss – By Ashley Ramirez (Runners World On-Line)
Melissa Ossanna – From Multiple Sclerosis to marathons to the 4-100 mile trail race Grand Slam Challenge – Article by Taylor Dutch – (Runners World On-Line)
Jimmie Johnson – NASCAR Superstar – Running Boston Marathon hopefully in 3 hours (Boston.com)
Tasha Ina Church
Social Media:
- Facebook Fan Page: ElleLiveAction
- Facebook Group: WARRIORWOMYN
- Instagram: ElleLiveAction
- YouTube: www.YouTube.com/ElleLiveAction
For all other social media platforms, look up: @ElleLiveAction
Main Website – Tasha’s Main Website
On Line – Self Defense Course – $20 discounted for Feel Good Running Podcast Listeners! FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Runners Safety Tips – List of Running Safety Tips from Tasha
Statistical Data Nationally for Attacks on Women
Self-Defense Workshop Schedule & Services Available
Inspirational Running Quote
This quote I found fits with Melissa Ossanna who is running the 4- 100 mile trail race Grand Slam. And it is for all you runners that are doing what many others are not or won’t. You are all winners!
“Today I will do what others won’t…So tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t” — Jerry Rice
Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe to the Feel Good Running on Apple Podcasts and please give us a nice rating and if you feel really motivated leave a review!
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