Motivation “Runday” Monday – Arlene Emerson – Hawaii – 1-11-21

Motivation Runday Monday features a runner each week that gives a motivating running message that will get your week off on the right foot!

This episodes featured runner is Arlene Emerson from Hawaii! Thank you Arlene for inspiring other runners.

You also can be a part of Motivation Runday Monday and be featured on an episode. Full instructions with the questions to answer along with a link to record up to a 5 minutes message can be found at

Virtual “Colorado Trail” Challenge!

Hello Runners! Another couple of weeks have passed, and we are continuing to live with this pandemic. Even as some retail stores, parks and restaurants start to re-open, it still feels restricted. Everyone is wearing a mask. It seems so unnatural. I even see more runners out there wearing a buff. It is our current reality…the…

Bart Yasso – The “Mayor of Running!”

Bart Yasso, the “Mayor of Running” is my guest this episode. Bart is now retired after 31 years at Runner’s World as Chief Running Officer Bart has run over 1,500 races and has inspired runners all over the globe. A great conversation!