What’s Your Running Routine during this Pandemic? (MiniSode)

Hello Runners! How are you? Are you doing ok and getting through this pandemic as best you can? Our lives have changed for sure, and self distancing and self isolation is surely difficult especially since we never experienced anything like this in our lifetime. But we will get through it! Keep the faith. We are…

Power of a Running Group!

Hello Runners! How are you? I hope you are doing ok through these tough times with the Covid-19 virus that has shut down our communities and have dramatically changed our lives. I hope you are following the CDC guidelines and self isolating, socially distancing and washing your hands. I am so thankful that our sport…

Running News & Covid-19 – March 2020 (Minisode)

Hello Runners! How are you? I hope you are all very safe and faring well during these tough and unknown times we all are experiencing with the effects of the COVID-19 virus. Who would have ever thought something like this could happen in this day and age? It has certainly shook up all of our…

Running News – January 2020 (Minisode)

Hello Runners! How are you? How was your January, the first month of the new year and decade? How is your running so far? Did you do a race yet? Did you set your 2020 goals? Are you training? If you are a new runner and have stuck with it for the month of January,…

Ashley Schneider – MS Run the US Relay

Hello Runners! Welcome to 2020 a new year and new decade. Seems almost surreal that we have reached this milestone…well at least those of us who have been around a bit! This episode was delayed because I got sick. Yup, first time in four years. I was at a New Years Eve party with about…