Running News – September 2020 (Minisode)

Hello Runners, Well, it is now September, and the summer is just about over. Only four more months until 2021. Let’s hope things turn around. I am looking forward to the cooler, crisper fall air. Great for running! This is a shorter episode. I’m in between trips. Just got back from Pittsburgh and am heading…

Bobby O’Donnell – “Running Wild”

Hello Runners, How’s things? Hanging in there? Keeping your motivation level up to run? Are you still jazzed about virtual races or are you burned out on them? I know it is hard to keep focused without a target race. Bobby O’Donnell, author of the book Running Wild is my guest this episode. At 17,…

Kent Wories – Future of the Independent Running Store

Hello Runners, Well it is August! We are eight months into the worst year in my memory. But we have running to help us get through it. I hope it is helping you! Moving to Denver from Maui in February, I am bracing for my first fall/winter where the seasons actually change. I’ve not gone…

Frank Campo – Prana Endurance Training

Hello Runners! How is it going? It is hot just about everywhere in the USA. As if we don’t have enough to deal with already with the coronavirus, now we need to deal with the heat. Oh well, it is summer, right? Below are a couple of links to articles that provide suggestions for running…