Running Inspirational News– October 26, 2021 (Halloween Edition)
Hello Runners,
Happy Halloween! I narrowly escaped a haunted house that I was in with a scary guy chasing me with an ax! But I made it out and am relieved that I can keep bringing you new episodes of Feel Good Running. Or perhaps you wish he would have caught me :)
The fall live race season is quickly coming to a close. The only other US major remaining is the NYC Marathon on November 7th. However, other marathons and races are happening in the next few weeks, and if your race is upcoming, good luck to you.
A week or so ago, I ran the Colfax Half-Marathon here in Denver, and what a great day. A great expo prior and the day of there were lots of runners, beautiful weather, and lots of finish area activity including a band and beer tent! We even ran through the Denver Zoo and a Fire Station. Hats off to Creigh Kelley, Andrea Dowdy, and the team. They did an outstanding job for us runners!
In this episode, we explore three motivating running stories. In one, I talk about how I lost the joy of running over the past 5-6 months. It's not been fun, but I am on the other side due to my participation in recent live races and training my brain. Also, an inspirational story of a man, Chris Rand, that fell off a cliff a little over a year ago, told he would never walk again, and now is running races. And a story that includes two individuals, Kristian Turner and Kelly Fitzgerald, that found running and transformed their lives.
Oh, and I talk about my fractured wrist and how that all happened. I'm currently in this awful purple cast on my left arm. I did run the Colfax Half -Marathon with this cast. It was not that bad. I could even slip my energy gels in the top of it. Silver lining!
We want to hear about your fall 2021 race experience. Just go to There are instructions and a link that you can record a little about your race experience. I'll put a group of them together in a future episode. Talking about your experience in your own words will motivate other runners!
If you know someone with a unique running story, please feel free to share it with me. You can Email it to me at
Thank you for listening to the Feel Good Running Podcast, and please share this with your running friends and on your social media platforms. I would very much appreciate it. And please get on our mailing list. I will send out two Emails per month to announce new episodes and items of interest, all about running. You can sign up by Clicking HERE!
Train hard, run harder, and be well. And remember to be kind to others, even if some, are not kind to you. It's good for the heart, mind, and soul. The world needs more kindness, right!. Peace everyone!
~ Jim
Show Timestamps
[00:00] - Host Jim Lynch Scary Halloween Open
[02:41] - Host Jim Lynch
[05:29] - Share your fall race experience
[06:26] - Jim's fractured wrist
[10:12] - Chris Rand - Falling off a cliff & Six steps to your running goal
[18:42] - Life changer - Kristian Turner & Kelly Fitzgerald
[25:29] - Train your Brain - Jim talks about losing his joy of running and references two articles to train your brain
[34:51 - Inspirational Running Quote/Jim episode close
Show Notes
Next Steps - Chris Rand - Fell off a cliff - (Channel 2 WBAY Green Bay Story by Sarah Thomsen) - Six Steps to your new running goal - Article by Nicole Stirling (
Life Changer - Kristian Turner (Mens Health Article by Marty Munson) -Kelly Fitzgerald - (Runners World On-Line Article by Kristian Turner as told to Emily Shiffer)
Train your Brain - Articles - Science-Backed ways to push through workout fatigue by Carly Graf - Mental fatigue can slow your running pace by Caitlin Carlson.
Inspirational Running Quote
"Eventually, you learn that competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit." - George Sheehan M.D. author of Going the Distance
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