Episode 79

Published on:

25th Apr 2022

Bonnie VanDeraa– A Story of Survival – Redux

Aloha Runners,

How are you? Are you reaching all of your 2022 running goals? Did you run Boston this year? Did you run a race this year? Running is back, and there are so many races.

I'm in Hawaii, specifically Maui. Yesterday was the Maui Marathon. I am the course director and will talk about the race in the next episode. Since I am traveling, I'm re-releasing a compelling episode I did in 2019 that will truly inspire you.

Sometimes, a story is so inspiring that it will bring you to your knees. This episode is a re-release of an Interview I did in 2019 with Bonnie VanDeraa from Vinita, Oklahoma. It is my most powerful interview with this amazing woman and her fight to survive.

On January 23, 2018, Bonnie went through a horrific event that should have killed her. However, her training and skill as an EMT and her willpower, strength, and courage allowed her to survive. In addition, Bonnie is a runner, and though she has not been able to run since that day, she can walk and, on March 3, 2019, she walked the entire Little Rock Marathon.

While recovering in the hospital, she acquired the nickname "Wonder Woman," she lives up to that name! You do not want to miss this interview. It will change the way you approach your day and your life, for that matter.

Since my interview, Bonnie has written a biography titled, "The Making of a Wonder Woman." You can order it here from Amazon.

Thank you for listening to the Feel-Good Running Podcast! Please consider sharing this podcast with your running friends and on your social media platforms if you like it. I do not spend money to advertise my podcast. Instead, I try to grow it organically, which is by you, my listeners, sharing it! Thank You!

Remember to be kind to others, even if some are not kind to you. We all need to make a difference in this world. Happy running and peace, everyone!

~ Jim


Show Timestamps

[00:46] - Host Jim Lynch

[03:59]- 2019 Bonnie VanDeraa Interview

[1:07:13] - Inspirational Running Quote /Jim episode close


Show Notes

Bonnie VanDeraa

Autobiography - The Making of a Wonder Woman - ORDER HERE

Runners World ArticleReal Life Wonder Woman! - Article by Jordan Smith

KARK NBC 4 - News Story - Little Rock, Arkansas - Price McKeon News Reporter

Fox News 23 Story - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Love what Matters Article

Bonnie's Facebook Blog Page - B's Wonder Woman Page! - Poems that Bonnie has written as she goes through her recovery journey. Worth reading each one to feel her emotions.

Bonnie's Facebook Page - Keep up with Bonnie!

Bonnie's Instagram Page


Inspirational Running Quote

"Take Each Day 5-Minutes at a Time, Don't Ever Give Up and Go Big or Go Home" - Bonnie VanDeraa



Listener feedback is essential to Feel Good Running. Is there a guest you would like us to feature? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the podcast? Whatever it is, we would like to hear from YOU! Send a personal email to host at jim@feelgoodrunning.com



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Again, I want to thank you for listening to my podcast! You can help out by leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcast, And please share the Feel Good Running Podcast with your friends and on your social media platforms. It would mean the world to me and help the show to grow!

Show artwork for Feel Good Running | For the Everyday Runner!

About the Podcast

Feel Good Running | For the Everyday Runner!
Feel Good Running | For the Everyday Runner!
Feel Good Running is for the everyday runner. No matter if you are a long time runner, a beginner or just thinking about getting into running, you will enjoy each episode. Our goal is to inspire, motivate and even entertain you. Our guests are mostly everyday runners that have amazing stories about their running. There are also weekly news snippets about runners accomplishments that will inspire you. And we always end the show with a motivating running quote! Host Jim Lynch is an avid Feel Good Runner himself. Enjoy the show.

About your host

Profile picture for Jim Lynch

Jim Lynch

I'm a long time runner completing 101 Marathons and a certified 50 State finisher having completed a marathon in all 50 states plus DC. And recently completed by first 50K Ultra Race in Moab, UT

Additionally, I am the Race Director of the Maui Marathon, and Course Director for the Denver Colfax Half Marathon and am involved with several other races in Colorado.

Running is my passion and has really defined my life. With all the support over the years I have personally received from volunteers from all the races I have done, I would like to give back.

The "Feel Good Running" podcast is for the everyday runner. If you are a long time runner, fairly new to running or even just thinking about running, I hope to appeal to you and bring you inspiration and motivation with my guests and my many years of running experience. I hope to be one of your go to running podcasts for years to come.